Heyo, I'm Arexu! I'm a college student and aspiring digital artist hoping to eventually land in a studio as an illustrator. I'm the creator of Archrenos Dawn, an original story that, even as we speak, is still in the works.


If you like my artwork and wish to support me on my journey, feel free to donate to the following links! But remember to take care of you first!

DISCLAIMER: Donations don't entitle you to demand free art from me. That's why commissions exist.


Can I repost your art?

No, you may not. But this is the internet, once its out there, many would share it even without my knowledge. I would hope people would be respectful and respect my wishes, but as long as:1) They credit me in their post2) Have not tampered with my signature and watermark, cropped it out of the image, or covered it3) Do not claim the art as theirsI let people off the hook. Otherwise, I will file a copyright strike and get in touch with legal resources.


The following links will take you to archives of my art from years past.NOTE: With Twitter going down the drain (thank Elon), I'll be slowly posting my art on other sites till I can create one site that has everything or its all in many sites.


I'm very grateful you wish to commission me! Although very rarely do I open them...but I do want to change that. Below will be a button to a form you can fill out and once you finish, I'll look it over and put it in either my accept or decline pile.Please read the TOS BEFORE you fill out the form for estimated pricing and other info about what I will and will not draw.

direct CONTACT

There are times people need to reach out to me, be it out of an emergency or have a question. But I need to set some boundaries here:

  • No RP requests -- this will get you instantly blocked!

  • No small talk. Despite the possible good intentions, I like to get to the point if you aren't a mutual already.

If you're a fan trying to reach out to say how much you admire my work, I appreciate the compliment, but life is busy and I can't really juggle too many DMs. Its why encourage to use the comments of my posts or join my discord. If you're reaching out to ask questions about my process, how I do things, I'd be happy to get your message. Artists help each other!As for newspapers and the press, you can go ahead and send a message! I know how important interviews are!Below is a quote from an article on reaching out to people you admire that does a better job at summing up my feelings on the subject.

" Everyone loves a compliment, but nobody wants to feel stalked or hounded. Once you’ve taken some steps to get on the radar of the person you admire, you could send them a friendly note telling them a little bit about yourself and your work (think: one or two sentences, definitely don’t send them your whole CV). Just be honest about the fact that you’re looking to learn more about the field they’re in, and that you’d be thrilled to talk to them sometime. "

Once you reflected on your intentions and confirmed with yourself that it doesn't break the two rules above, you can go ahead and send a message!